Nottingham High Connect


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Obituaries-1-e1581692695304 Nottingham high school logo

It is with great sadness that we note the passing of the following members of the Nottingham High School and Old Nottinghamian community.

Mr Patrick Hare

(ON 1939-1949)

Captain George Victor (Vic) Buxton C Eng

(ON 1943-1949)

Mr Richard F Potter

(ON 1941-1948)

Mr Peter B H Stokes

(ON 1939-1947)

Mr Ian Rice Whitaker

(ON 1936-1946)

Mr Malcolm (Mac) Wardle

(ON 1937-1945)

Mr Duncan Torrance

(ON 1937-1943)

Mr Peter L Hopson

(ON 1935-1942)

Mr Anthony Ricks

(ON 1932-1941)